What is Christmas number 1 going to be for you this year? Is it the presents, the food, the family? Could it be that the light of the world is celebrated at this time. The CHRISTmas Spirit came to Earth. Oh no don’t go all religious on me you say but we want to bring the shining light into your life. The love that is the compassion of the Christ energy is here, not only at Christmas but everyday, every moment. Let the light shine from you. The giving and knowing how to receive, the exchange of energies that take place between people when love and kindness is shown. Christ energy could be your number one hit!!! “ Forgive those who have trespassed against us”, let things go from the past that you have kept in a harbour, anchored down , weighing upon your heart. Let yourself accept that those that you feel ill will towards are not responsible for your feelings, that you are the one who can forgive and then lighten your path, leaving the burden of anger, resentments or pain behind. Light the way for others to follow, forgive, forget, move on, this Christmas it’s number 1.